40* today, absolutely crazy!
april 1, 2011 by KRØlle BØlle
Today at work was it very warm for me and other people who worked today. It was crazy, i though that it was around 25*, but I took of course wrong! my roommates said to me that it is 40* today. at a march month.. TOTALLY,, dont have someone word… because its amazing for me. I was out and relaxed.. it was top! but i gave up short because it was too warm for me.. I cannot absoluty believe that. I took a cold shower, and it was niiiiiice! Today at work was nice, but the kids changed attitude and behaviour.. because the AIR was too warm.. soo it became a chill day for kids who played today. So came a boy to our classroom and asked about a Johanna A. It was me, and i saw what he had at his hand. It was a letter, i didnt know who letter was from.. It was from grandma who sent the letter to me.. I got some tears, because it was max kind of grandma… I love you, grandma! Tonight shall I go to Mac, little same so social hall.. but more new building, and the name is weird.. iknow, haha! anyway, i m looking forward since it is a show for they who will quit at the middle school and start at high school.. tonight is «a celebration» for these pupils. It will be fun! I’m exciting to the show…
Have a nice evening, but i know that the norwegian people is sleeping now.. haha! good night, well for you all! 😉