Feed on
World’s longest word.

Who can understand?

Maybe u can try and give me a respons what u think the word is.
The word is world’s longest! amazing!
Luck you with to understand! hehehe

Blue nails.

Blue nails ;*

Then I was done at work, I got a letter from grandma and it was cozy to read the letter! with 3 pages, yeeah! come on! haha. It was hard to read the letter since my grandma writes so small and …. i dont have some word how she writes! hehe.. But I tried in around 1 hour to understand the letter!!! amazing!! finally did I understand, and wrote … then went I to post office and sent the letter back to grandma! 😀 I and grandma is «letter-friends» and it is nice for me to know what grandma and grandpa does every day 🙂
Yesterday I bought blue colour  to what?? to my nails, of course! Yesterday evening was I done with my nails and this looks good! proud, hahaha!! Tonight I watched a movie, called the other man.. a really funny movie, but I became embarrassed when I watched the movie, but you must watch the movie too!! the movie will give you laugh! 😉
So.. tonight I did searching after a apartment in Oslo! but first I’m searcing after some roommates who I can live with! Take contact with me if you will move to oslo too! 😉 It’s my plan! and I hope the plan is done to the summer! 😉 But I will think  more after I went back to Norway.. if I think at that now, so will it be stress for me.. And I dont have more energy to think what I will do to the fall!
My plans for tmr?
washing clotchs
Chill with the sun! 😀
have a good evening! but I know you are awake soon, and its saturday for you.. but its still friday for me!! muhaha! hugs, ilu ;*


At work today went GREAT!!! But I’m glad that tmr is it FRIDAY so weekend!! wooho! the weekend I dont have some plans what I have to do. but i will wash clotchs and become more familiar with my new roommate! 😉 Soon I will to Lafitness and RUN!! ;D
I feel allways good after I was at gym, and take a «CHAMP» shower after the gym! haha! ;P My mom have ordered airplane ticket home to norway for me yesterday!! EXCITED!!! I’m coming home the 12. june, and I looooking forward to the day is coming to me!! 😀 I cannot believe that I was here over 4 months and the time is going so fast!! hold on!! 😉 hehe.. INFO; I have forget a lot of Norwegian sign language! haha! luck you with to talk with me again :*
ANYWAY; I did read a blog of my friend.. a wonderful blog! I agree with her, and the time is fast! now will u read the blog..
Er det ikke fært å ikke få en kommentar, når du for alt i verden skulle ønske du fikk en? Nå snakker jeg ikke om fisking etter komplimenter eller craving etter oppmerksomhet, jeg snakker om når du gjør en innsats med seg selv for noen, men det ikke blir lagt merke til. Som oftest, så syns ikke de små tingene for andre, det gjør bare at en selv føler seg bedre. Er ikke det bra nok? kanskje ikke. De beste kommentarene, er kommentarene du får når du ikke forventer det og når du ikke føler at du fortjener det. De mener jeg, er de virkelige kommentarene, men det kommer selvfølgelig ann på hvem som sier dem.

Det finnes de kommentarene som stikker langt ned i hjerterota, som du rett og slett tenker tilbake på i resten av ditt liv. Resten av ditt liv er kanskje litt å ta i, men jeg er jo 20 år, og jeg husker enda enkelte kommentaren som har satt seg, som stikker og som har gjort vondt. På samme måte så husker jeg jo de fineste kommentarene jeg har fått også, som gjør at tårene spretter litt i øyekroken. Det er rart med det, at man skal bli så glad eller lei seg når noen andre sier det, selv om man hele tiden går og tenker på det selv og kanskje til og med sier dem til seg selv når man ser i speilet, uten at det betyr noenting. Iallefall, ikke på samme måte.
Den kommentaren jeg har fått mest, sånn ut av det blå, må være

Jeg er en person som ofte gir kommentarer til folk også, ikke negative, men jeg mener at å gi positive kommentarer gjør mye for et menneske. Jeg sier det ikke hvis jeg ikke mener det, men hvis jeg ser noe jeg liker, hva koster det orda mine meg? ingenting, men hva kan de bety for andre? Mye. Eller lite? Den kommentaren jeg oftest gir er vel

Jeg er redd for at folk skal tro de er stygge, hvis jeg sier «I dag» var du pen, det høres litt feil ut, ikke sant? Jeg tar meg selv i det alt for ofte, så da glipper alltid

den samme etterhengende kommentaren. Faen tenker jeg da, faen! Man vet aldri når man treffer ekstrem sensitive mennesker! what if.
MEN siden vi er inne på kommentarene, så mener jeg at den kommentaren som er aller mest brukt av de fleste av denne moderne årgang er
HUN HAR PRØVD Å PYNTE SEG HUN! neida! haha.. nå lo jeg. Virkelig.

Nå er det natta folkens! Nå syns jeg dere skal gi noen gode kommentarer til deres nærmeste før dere legger dere, make a difference, make her/his day.

byebye!! good night for you ! and a good day for me, hehe.. gonna go to lafitness! ;*

The topp can u not use at work here in America, since you can use this in every day so.. it sucks 😉 But I do the top when I use shirt so! hehe, smart! 😉

The kind of shoes cannot use at work, but if you dont use them at beach.. so it's allowed! weird !

They were skeptical, but it was allowed anyway! Fortunately, since it's insanely hot here!

When you show a bit of bra or bikini top, you can not use! It is strictly forbidden!

Today we got a new rule! Such sweater, we can use only at Thursdays!

I'm going to work without makeup, and it is allowed!!! They have kind of weird rules! 😉

But I do accept the rules!! Because I do not decide, and it’s not my fault that the rules were like that .. do not get me wrong! it’s not my fault, hehe .. 🙂

Last week was it a COLD week!! I was so tired of cold! But today came the WARM back to Riverside, and I’m SUPER happy for it!! 😀 I was not at work today because i got some pains and it did hurts!! But the sun did help the pains! I love the sun!! I chilling outside and kissing the sun! And I like it very good! 😉  BUT tomorrow will I start at work again, and i’m excited to watch the kids play the act tomorrow, the act called » A very busy spider» !! You must enjoy your day too!! ♥

Finally went I to a whatever store in Riverside Plaza and bought hair scissor!! Because I thought that it is time to get a haircut! of who, meself 😉 and I bought 2 clotchs and a new book!! looking forward to read the book every day, the book is called «Red wolf» Sound good. Anyway, I cycked home and saw new roommate who have came to the white house. her name is Sarah, from San Diego.. It will be fun to be know her. I talked with her in a while, so went I to bathroom and opened the scissor and began to cuting my hair. And the camera kept me company. It was little fun but boring 😛 Now I have new haircut hair, and it feels good!



Last week did I seed new seeds because, u remember that I did seed outside.. but the sod was bad! So I seed new sod, and I got the sod of work.. So I checked today, WOW!! this glows so fast! shocked! but i’m of course happy!! So I can see flowers before I leave.

My baby!


A fun thing today; I went to Pizza hut for to buy a pizza.. and i wrote what I want to have on the pizza. I wrote » Pepperoni, pineapple and extra ost» what did I wrote!!?? so the man asked me, what ost means? hahahaha!!! I laughed and explained he why I wrote it. because i’m from norway! I thought inside me that I was tired too.. haha, but i didn’t say that to he. ANYWAY!! now is it late for me, I think I gonna go to the bed and is ready for to read the book!! ;D


At Friday I felt little strange at work.. I was really done at work clock 1:00 pm, but these two colleagues hided someone for me and other volunteers and teacher helper.. We didnt have some ideaas what our teachers did.. So I was at work to clock 3:00, and a teacher guided me to a meeting’s room.. and she said that we will have a serious meet, and I must join.. I didnt want, but i accepted! So we volunteers and teacher helper became surprised from them !! with MANY CAKES and FOOD!! It was so nice! pleasant surprise! <3 All of volun. and teacher helper got a gift. I got gift certificate to super mex, hahaha!!! 😉 but it was KIND of them!! thanks!

After the work trained I in a hour so I can feel better after all food and cakes I ate! haha! 😉 So I went to Riverside plaza for to enjoy me there and I bought sushi, tasted DELICIOUS!! <3 Sushi is soon my favorite food! So I went back to the white house and watching on movies and ate Sushi! u can see I’m eating sushi at www.krollebolle.tumblr.com I try to get you all to be jealous! 😀 hihi.. if you never taste sushi, TASTE now!! I like Alaska rull best of all! 😉

Knott's Berry Farm!

Yesterday went I, Brittany, sister to Bri and her boyfriend to Knott’s Berry Farm.. I woke up and outside was it very cold! I thought oh, noo!! I want to have great weather!! but not! anyway, they picked me up and drove to KBF. We took all rides and it was REALLY FUN!! I laughed all time since I love it! 😀 We was there from clock 10:00 am to 3:00 pm, 5 hours there.. enogh for them siden they was tired of sun and walking. I thought that Its ok for me! We went home, and I relaxed and watched at a movie called «The mist». I have allways liked the movie! So went I to bathroom and looked at my face.. RED as a tomato!! XD
TODAY!! 😀 It will be a chill day for me here at home.. but i will take a tour to Riverside plaza and buy a new book!! I must go soon because the stores closes early today since today is EASTER for them! ;P  They closes stores clock five, and I have 5 hours on me to buy a book! haha!!! SO!! HAPPY easter!! <3

Some boring's shots of me!

Today was I at work, but at work was it absolutely crazy and mess!! I and the teachers hope that kids becoming better tomorrow !! Anyway, I dropped training today.. will train tmw morning before the work! So the evening was quiet for me, and a TV evening! I saw at «the king of queens», «My name is Earl», «How I meet your mother», «Everybody loves Raymond», and I was on FAcebook most of evening! But its COZY!! 😀 and bought a pizza with pepperoni, pineapple and extra cheese from Pizza hut! tasted delicious!  I needed it, and soon will I go to the bed and read book! soon done with the book! so will I buy a new book! 😉 I used to sleep around 10 hours ever night, and its awesome!! 😀
hehe, good night! <3

A weird hat!

At Friday I was with a friend and a bit of shopping .. It was nice! Next Saturday the two of us to a fun fair! look forward to! and in the evening I went to Ooaki restaurant serving sushi with my roommate Amy since Friday is her last night! I almost never eat sushi, so I had ordered 2 different sushi, and I was soon in love with them! tasted great! but it is sad that Amy go on Saturday morning .. is strange without her, but this week, a new roommate from San Diego to stay here! Then it gets interesting.

Saturday afternoon I went to Laurie and washed pile of clothes! I sat in front of the washer and dryer, in around 4 hours .. very slow, when I was psycho brainwashed by the washing machine! not good! 🙂 Hehe .. so I got to see a movie, BEAUTIFUL movie called EatPrayLove ..

Sunday went I to La fitness and trained in a hour.. feels good! and I did a wash of the house. But the bathroom was DIRTY!! it was good that I got to wash the bathroom. and it smells good! glory! I washed the house in 3 hours.. and changed my bedroom! the bedroom looks better now, and it mean that I get a better sleep! anyway, I was out and the sun was WARM!! wow, I can only go out around 5 minutes! I got a idea, and went to a store and bought a STRANGE&WHITE hat, then can I use the hat when I’m home, ALONE!! i won’t use the hat at work! embarrassed! hahaha!!

the weird hat but the hat is practise!


Today; the work day was great for me, the time went so fast and the kids is soooo restless! wow! It was hard to have control, anyway!! cannot say more about the kids well.. 😉 I’m home after the work, and I’m going to LA fitness soon and getting me to feel good! Have a good week yet! ;D

Maybe someone of you dont understand what i’m saying at the video..
I’m saying;
«Roommate», my roommate Amy will leave this weekend, and she told me today that next week is it coming a new roommate from San Diego, exciting! That means new experiences and events, i’m excited! Because she will leave, but new roommate will come.. Lucky! 
U will se the video on my other blog, http://krollebolle.tumblr.com/  Try to understand! ;D

I'm over tired! lol x

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